Until 28 January, the grounds are open on Saturdays and Sundays only. The house in now closed and will reopen from 20 March.

Brahminy Starling chicks
Posted 16 June 2017

Behind the scenes

Nesting box livestream with Citizen Bird

Watch live video of Pagoda mynahs from the Waddesdon Aviary captive breeding programme and see simultaneous real time data displays from innovative nesting box.

Waddesdon is one of just a handful of places worldwide that has successfully bred Pagoda mynah’s in captivity.  This species is one we have a track record breeding, with 17 chicks reared here at our Aviary in the last five years.

Brahminy Starling
Pagoda mynah © National Trust, Waddesdon Manor

As part of our commitment to conservation breeding, Waddesdon has teamed up with Citizen Bird, a project to study breeding birds like the Pagoda mynah through a network of ‘automated’ nest boxes collecting detailed life history data. The bespoke nest boxes feature a high resolution video camera and a unique activity monitoring system which creates a real time graph of fledgling weight data.

Livestream feed from Citizen Bird nesting box

Livestream feed from Citizen Bird nesting box in the Waddesdon Aviary >

Citizen Bird is creating a network of thousands of ‘automated’ wild nest boxes to collect detailed life history data throughout the British Isles and beyond. By combining the data these boxes collect with that of the British Trust of Ornithology’s Nest Recording Scheme, researchers will be able to look at the effects of environmental change in detail, including how birds change their behaviour to overcome environmental.

Waddesdon has assisted the development of Citizen Bird from the beginning, the Aviary’s Pagoda mynahs were selected to trial this project because of their reliable breeding successes and the ability to closely manage them, which has helped the Citizen Bird team refine their technology.

Brahminy Starling chicks
Pagoda mynah chicks © National Trust, Waddesdon Manor

Find out more about:
Citizen Bird >
British Trust of Ornithology’s Nest Recording Scheme >